The average house price on CHY AN GWEAL is £546,580
The most expensive house in the street is COUNT HOUSE COTTAGE CHY AN GWEAL with an estimated value of £794,746
The cheapest house in the street is SUNRISE CHY AN GWEAL with an estimated value of £369,700
The house which was most recently sold was SUNRISE CHY AN GWEAL, this sold on 7 Apr 2021 for £325,000
The postcodes for CHY AN GWEAL are TR26 2RS, TR26 2PZ
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
CHY AN GWEAL HOUSE CHY AN GWEAL Terraced £475,294 £364,000 9 Mar 2017
COUNT HOUSE COTTAGE CHY AN GWEAL Detached £794,746 £655,000 18 Mar 2020
SUNRISE CHY AN GWEAL Terraced £369,700 £325,000 7 Apr 2021